The year 2 update is out!

2021-06-29 14:15:54

We are proudly presenting the ‘year 2 update’ of the SCOREwater project, which covers May 2020 until April 2021.

Very good progress was made during this second year of SCOREwater. The sensors are now installed in all three case studies, data is being collected in the SCOREwater platform, and the modelling team is extracting valuable insights from data and creating smart solutions for practical use of the data.

The second year also meant refinement of the SCOREwater value propositions, that have been tailored to meet the needs of different stakeholder groups. As we have now reached midterm of this four-year project, we are intensifying the work on how SCOREwater results can come to good use outside of and after the project. Therefore, this second year also meant initiating work on replication activities and contributing to policy discussions. Follow us on our channels or reach out to us if you are interested in the solutions we are developing.


Want to know what we are working on, or interested in the latest developments of the project?  Check out the SCOREwater booklet that we have designed for you. We only ask to leave your email address so we can send you the booklet.

>> Click here to download the SCOREwater booklet  <<


Looking back on the past year, we are very happy with the work accomplished by the SCOREwater team considering the extra ordinary challenges the COVID-19 pandemic put on all work environments.

Göteborg: IVL, Talkpool AB, SWEHYDRO, CGEA, Universeum Barcelona: ICRA, EURECAT, IERMB, s::can, BCASA Amersfoort: Civity, COA, Future City Foundation, HydroLogic